Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Public talk by Dr. Jacques Attali

On the 13th of January 2011 we are organising a ‘Public Talk’ by the French economist and writer Jacques Attali, one of the top 100 public intellectuals of the world.
This event is co-organised with the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS).
Singapore Foreign Minister Mr George Yeo will be present in this event to introduce Dr Attali.
This will be an open session where people from different walks of life living in Singapore would get an opportunity to interact with Dr Attali.
The topic for discussion: “Is The Global Economy Still In Crisis?”
The venue of the event is the Ballroom, Raffles Hotel (13th January, Thursday, 10.00 am to 12.00 noon)

register on our website at www.asef.org 


  1. Even without attending the talk, we view the global economy with fear and nervousness. All these quantitative easing and tax cutting
    never seem to end, and all US does is to crank up the printing machine
    to flood paper money on the world.

  2. Three people sent e-mail to tell me that they have registered to attend this talk.

    I sent them my views, as expressed in this paper:

    One of them said that my views are "a little extreme".

  3. protectionism is not extreme at all

    these ppl do not realise protectionism has always been around us

    big bankers are protected bcos they are "too big to fail"

    pap ministers are protected through all sorts of unjust laws designed to suppress any dissent and challenge to their unearned authority

    big businesses are protected through a flawed justice system that favours the rich over the less well off

    capital owners and landlords are protected through pro-business policies that exploit ordinary workers

    elites are protected and mollycoddled bcos well.. simply for being elite

    and so on and so on...

    somehow these are considered the norm in SG and not deemed extreme hahaha
