Monday, December 13, 2010

Reforms in Malaysia

Carolyn Hong, Malaysia Bureau Chief of the Straits Times reported the likelihood of snap polls in Malaysia. She said that Malaysia had made progress on several reforms that were introduced after Prime Minister Najib Razak took office. Among the changes were measures to combat crime, reduce government red tape, reduced taxes to attract investors, and political reforms.

When I was in Kuala Lumpur, I also saw a report from a local NGO about the improvement in transparency and  combat corruption. Malaysia is making good progress, which will be good for Singapore as well.

1 comment:

  1. Malaysia is making good progress in areas like transparency and combating corruption, while our own country is going the other way.
    Very soon the Malaysians would catch up with us, with Singapore edging upwards the corruption and less transparent scale.
    Societies really go round and round, with the arrow going back to the starting point before you know it.
