Monday, December 27, 2010

Shark's Fin

This article contains photos of how sharks are being killed for their fins. The writer wants us to stop eating shark's fin.


  1. Very hard to break habit of eating sharksfin soup, the best way is avoid buying the processed fins from the supermarket to cook at home.
    But we have seen some people loudly proclaiming they abstain from the delicacy out of conservation for the marine animal,
    but seem more just to fashionly follow the herd, rather than for its noble reason. It has become a status symbol, which smack of hypocrisy.
    Nevertheless, the only time we eat the delicacy is at wedding dinners,
    and to abstain would be a show of disrepect to the hosts. Comment does not mean we support shark-finning. We've rather dine on abalone.

  2. Should produce synthetic sharks' fins from plastic or green beans if they, the shark lovers, cannot stop their craving.he Buddhist could imitate all kinds of meats with soya why can't these shark killers for fins.

  3. Nobody laboriously waste their time and resources torturing sharks or tigers or whatever. These are in demand because they fetch a good price. The question is about overhunting and overharvesting resulting in them becoming endangered species.

    Slaughtering animals for food is cruel. Period. There's no such thing as humanely slaughtering an animal, be it fish, chicken pig, cattle or lamb or whatever. Either one believes in eating meat or not. The vegan argument is of course never to slaughter or eat any animal, that's far more credible and respectable than selective protection for certain animals while still eating meat.
