Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Snooping on e-mails

There is a news report of a case in America where the husband hack into the e-mail account of the wife and found that she was having an affair. The husband divorced the wife. He was later charged and found guilty of snooping, i.e. reading e-mails of the wife without her permission.

The law in Singapore is not clear on such issues of privacy. There is a need for such clarity. These are important issues governing the rights of people (for privacy) and the free access of information.

We need out laws to be clear on many issues affecting the rights of people  and their proper social conduct. We also need the laws to be enforced. I hope that our elected MPs do their duty to bring up issues in Parliament. This is their duty and what they are elected for. We need MPs to be full time, so that they can do their job well. They are adequately paid now to be full time.

Tan Kin Lian


  1. We need MP & ministers to be Full time & to be seen to be working for the people ! Wayang , so be it, but nowadays, this has become so rare, that it is amazing to be on auto-pilot with not too 'many' screw-ups.

  2. All electric media leave a footprint. No one can escape Big Brother. If snooping on email is made illegal, how are you to govern? You can't control if you can't control the media, to paraphrase a quote from the movie Amistad: "You can't govern if you don't govern the courts."

    Even in the land of the free, they spy on the citizens in the name of combating terrorism or organised crime.
