Thursday, December 30, 2010

Social Life 1.0

A game for singles. Let your avatar do the scouting for you. You create an avatar with characteristics that reflect your personality and indicate the personal qualities of the person that you look for as a life time partner. Your avatar will meet other avatars through activities held over 52 virtual weeks and go out on dates with other avatars that meet your criteria. At the end of the game in 7 actual days, you have the option to know the real persons behind the avatars that have dated your avatar a few times.

1 comment:

  1. Some people are shy about approaching another person for a date or relationship. They can let the avatar do the scouting. When the avatar has found other avatars (people) who are compatible and share the same interest, the real people (behind the avatar) can contact each other. They can talk about their avatar's experience (as an excuse to get to know the other person). I hope that this will help people to get to know other people - with the preliminary work done by the avatar.
