Saturday, December 04, 2010

Wikileaks and Singapore

LKY's private conversation and candid views with US officials have been leaked out in WikiLeaks and is causing some red faces. Read SGEP.


  1. You mean LKY?

    To be frank, what he said can be said out in public as well. So there's really no embarrassment for Singapore.

  2. The whistle blowing channel in the insurance companies isn't working. It will not work if the channel is based withing the company and manned by own staff.They don't shoot in the foot , right? Worse, the whistle blowers may lose his or her job.
    Along the model of WIKILEAKS there should be a company which everyone can use to 'leak' out the unethical practices of insurance agents, colleagues and the senior management without the fear of reprisal, loss of job or identity disclosed... Anonymity is acceptable.. In today world where greed and dishonesty are the motivators and over the dead body of someone a channel to report these evil perpetrators should be an avenue to expose them and they be brought to justice.
    Maybe a name like 'Insureleak' is appropriate.
