Sunday, January 16, 2011

Beware of scams

I receive this type of proposal often. They are scams. Sometimes, I get several in a day.

Good day dear Friend,
I am Sir Jonathan Yishai Baruch presently undergoing medical treatment in
doctor's hospital Bahamas. I worked with the British Oil Industry, East
London for over a decade and I was married for fifteen years without a
child. My wife died after a long illness that lasted for two years. I
vowed to use my wealth for the down trodden and the less privileged in the
society, and I am contacting you in regards to my proposition. I am
looking for a God fearing and trustworthy person who I can bequeath the
responsibility of making judicious use of my wealth in helping the down
trodden and under privileged one's in our society and the world at large,
while this will be of immense benefit to such an individual as well.
Unfortunately the doctors here have just confirmed my situation that I
will not live long I have decided to give out my money to the poor. I
deposited the sum of 20,000,000 (Twenty Million Great British Pounds) with
my Bank, this money is still there. This is purely intended to bring
succor to the helpless and as such, a well trusted personality is required
so please, get back to me using my direct contact below if you consider
yourself competent and qualified to fit the above described profile and if
interested to commit your time and resource to this project.


  1. He can create a trust or set up a foundation and mandate it to benefit the poor only in the trust deeds.Why a stranger to carry out his wishes?
    Obviously, it is scam. The strategy is, send out to as many in the cyberspace hoping to catch some unwary , greedy and brain dead people out there. Although it is an old trick it still works and can trap some.

  2. Very often we receive calls from people outside Singapore on our mobile, asking whether we speak Chinese. Just scold them "lao qian" and click off.
    Only greedy people would get themselves hooked, money just don't
    fall from heaven without you putting in hard work.
