Thursday, January 13, 2011

Buy the right life insurance policy

Are you getting a good yield for your savings in your life insurance policy? You can follow the calculation shown in this article.

If you find that it is giving a poor yield, there is nothing much that you can do now, as you have already incurred the upfront cost. If you wish to terminate the policy, you should carry out the calculation here to see what is the yield over the next 5 years.

If you want to know how to plan for your financial future, you should carry out the calculation shown here. You will get a 2 page statement (in PDF) and guidance on how to read the statement. There is reference to several FAQs in my website. You can also consult an expert who can guide you on this matter.


  1. The problem many people don't know about insurance and therefore they don't BUY wrong products but SOLD wrong products by insurance agents.\Eg....wholelife products are NOT suitable for the man in the street and yet the the man in the street makes up the majority. Is it a surprise that these people kenna conned? No...being ignorant and poor they are easy victims of predatory and dishonest insurance agents.

  2. Many people feel that life insurance should be taken only when you get older, but in actuality life insurance taken at a young age provides many benefits. Even if there is nobody in your family who is dependent on you or if you think that your employer's insurance is sufficient for your family needs.
