Monday, January 31, 2011

Climate of Fear

Is there a climate of fear in Singapore? Read the editorial analysis in SGEP.


  1. You bet, there is !
    One good thing, now is that many - young and older ones are pissed off so much that it is becoming less of an issue.

    Why so ?

    It is difficult to pin down.
    Maybe, some of us like the cornered animal just grew fangs !
    Or maybe, the absence of the "mata-mata" we were once familar with grew bravier when they are now a rare sight !( You can see such behaviour on our roads....)

    Just my 2-cents. Actually, someone must update this as inflation all these years, must make it " my 50 cents worth" if not more !

  2. "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."

    - Franklin D. Roosevelt

  3. Certainly there is politics of fear as even LKY admit he would like others to fear him than to love him. What he says, does and implies are strategies of causing fear at the back of our minds. His yardstick is whoever is against him he will demolish completely. As he cannot take away one's life he stopped at making him/her a bankrupt.

  4. Yes, there is a culture of fear in people here.

    There is meritocracy which creates elitism and the low strata of society are fearful for their survival.

    just look at the True Spa Subtle Senses case. People want to sue but afraid of getting into trouble with law and the trouble of lawsuit. not sure whether win or not. etc.. 20,000 victims of True Spa Subtle Senses and yet only a handful, less than 5% percent make noise.

    In Lehman brother case, only less than 10% came forward.

  5. We, Singaporeans, in general are afraid to speak out. They worried about getting themselves into trouble. They are like ostrich, sticking their head into the sand and hope that everything is fine.
