Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Cover for Life Insurance Book

What is your opinion about the cover for my life insurance book? Is it all right to use a cartoon?
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  1. Kin Lian, the use of cartoon is okay if it's not the center of focus. Even though I know the umbrella that covers everyone in the family refers to insurance, but it's become trite and cliche. If I can be point blank with you, you should get a professional designer for the cover layout. Also, your name should be much smaller than the book title because you want to highlight the value proposition of the book rather than your name.

  2. Hi Mr Tan, I think it is okay to use cartoon illustrations for the cover of a book. But I do find it a little raw and unrefined for one that deals with risk management in your case. I also noticed the point size of the text for your name is bigger than that for the title of the book. And that your name comes before the title. But if you had intended it that way, that's fine. Cheers. Howard

  3. Hi Howard and Carne

    I share your views about the size of my name and the title of the book. I had given the same comment to the book designer, i.e. to make my name smaller and the title bigger.

    I have asked the cartoon artist to use the same cartoon characters to illustrate some inside pictures, and they came out quite well.

  4. The cartoon is a bit politcally incorrect as it deplicts what appears to be a chinese family. What about the other ethnic groups in Singapore? Hence unlike the intent is to sell mainly to a Singapore Chinese audience, the cover might convey the wrong message.
