Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Deposits with M V Land

This developer ask the owners to pay deposits before giving a permit to start renovation work or to move in the furniture. They may not have the legal right to impose these requirements. It is like asking for a ransom. Read this letter that I wrote to the directors of M V Land. I have to fax the letter to them, because they do not read e-mails sent to their company, even though they give out the e-mail address:

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mr Tan,

    Can you please keep us posted on the updates or outcome.

    Since you are put the money for deposit, are they holding your cheques without cashing in?

    Or have they cleared them? if yes, will you get any interest for your money?

    Just imagine the total amount of risk-free and interest-free Cash they received from everyone in your Building. The renovation and slow refund can take up to 3 months to complete. Thus, 3 months of free money to roll.

    This is a profitable venture for them to make money or getting free money at the expense of their customers while bullying their customers.
