Sunday, January 09, 2011

The expats will rule Singapore

Read this article by Adam Khoo in SGEP


  1. It's very true. Our present PM was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. I do not think he works as hard as his father, MM Lee.

  2. When we make things, like TVs, computers, phones, we try to keep improving the features. To make them better, cheaper, faster, clearer, are the way to go. Or else, our products will become obsolete.
    Now, with human beings, who actually has feelings and preferences, do we treat them the same as things? What's wrong with focusing more on other aspects of life?

  3. adam khoo is not wrong but he fails to understand one thing, that is a nation is not a corporation. As such the basis of his whole article is misplaced.

    Adam kho can be forgiven for thinking this way bcos the garment of the day formed by the pap runs Spore as a corporation.

    But in this corporation, the male Sporeans have to do NS and suffer reservist, all in the name of the nation. See the flawed logic?

  4. Mr Adam Khoo is spot on and in many ways, so has MM Lee when he spoke of the need for "spurs in our hide".
    So how ? More motivational programes for ALL levels of Singaporeans ? School Children & our current "elected" leaders & their Government Servants would be good start, no ?
    By the way, understand that there are about 13,000 public servants in the Union. The rest must be highly-paid/qualified or are disinterested or had been "out-sourced".
