Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Fertility rate and foreigners

Hi Mr Tan,
The letter mentioned in your blog entry "Fertility rate continues to drop" hit the nail on its head. How does the government expect S'poreans to re-produce more when national policies make life so hard for the middle and lower income groups. For example, how does/can one think about having babies when the threat of being replaced by a cheap foreigner at work is very real once a person turns 40?

The scary belief I hold is that the PAP government is fully aware of this, but they are keeping the floodgates open to foreigners nonetheless. Reason being PAP have no solution to restore the national procreation rate. PAP is simply being myopic and taking the easy way out by artificially increasing the population to offset the declining birth rate (I say "artificially" because the foreigners we get are only here to earn their bucks and return to their homeland either once they have earned enough or when S'pore is in trouble). This may lead to short term economic growth, but will undoubtedly result in long term damage not only to the economy, but to social cohesion as well.



  1. Well said. Make sure you do something in the coming election. Better to vote the PAP out than living with such fears.

  2. I think you are right about the government knowing. Since time immemorial, governments have always wanted to have their countries being the strongest around. Germany wanted a super race too but the modus operandi did not go well with human rights group.
    You are beginning to see the light and realised that the poor is having a hard time reproducing. Don't you get it, it has always been the idea that the brightest, the ablest should be the one having more children. Our tax system also gravitate towards that with enhanced tax reliefs for the top people to enjoy, not the poor and disabled.
    Obviously it is now dawning on some people that we are heading this way when it has always been like this all along in one way or another.
    With each passing day, more and more rich and able citizens emerge, thanks to the welcome foreign talent policy. With each passing day, it will be harder and harder to reverse the process. Why do you think they are checking the electoral register time and time again? V1 will soon be reach. Are you all awake yet?

  3. Agreed ! Seem that there are a fair number of cynic like me, questioning the Govt of the day sense of Duty-of-Care ! May I suggest that they try a Western idea such as "CSR" if they feel that running a country or City-State is about the same as running a business corporation ?
