Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Fertility rate continues to drop

Here are the reasons:


  1. [Sorry, Mr Tan. I think I might have posted this comment in the wrong section - "Editor of SGEP". It is meant for "Fertility rate..."]

    Why wait for our people to make babies and wait over 25 years before they become revenue producing digits? Cheaper to bring in foreign talent because they are ready to work and generate the taxes that is the lifeblood of a government. It's like importing timber vs growing your own trees.

  2. They take the planting of instant trees approach to solve all problems big and small, and even laughed at the Japanese, stubbornly restricting immigration to solve severe shortage of labour, that is now hampering Japan's former economic might.
    True, why waste time amd resources to educate and groom local talents from babyhood stage, just import and save. Maybe that is the meaning of labelling Japan as one, big, fat loser.
