Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Going beyond the limit

I asked my staff to show me the formula for calculating CPF contribution. She passed me 6 brightly colored booklets, each with 19 pages. For someone who is not familiar, it takes a lot of time to understand how to calculate CPF contribution. There is a risk of making a mistake. To avoid this problem, it may be necessary to send someone for half day training in calculating CPF contribution.

Do our policy makers realize that all these complications take up a lot of time of the staff and that salaries are high in Singapore. This is so wasteful. I do not know why things have to be so complicated in Singapore!

Tan Kin Lian


  1. This reminds me of my encounter last CNY. I work overseas and was back in Sg the day before CNY. My pre-paid Sg SIM card had expired after a non-top-up period of more than 6 mths. I wanted to purchase a new pre-paid card but the Sales person said that my Sg passport is not acceptable for the registration, passport is only acceptable for foreigners. Citizens MUST use NRIC. Why must our policy holders specify one-tract solutions? Why is my Sg passport not recognised by my own Government for the SIM card registration when a foreigner can use his? Imagine this, a Singaporean and a foreigner landed at Changi airport, the foreigner can purchase a pre-paid SIM card straight away. The Singaporean can't, he has to go back home and retrieve his NRIC.

  2. Yes I totally agree! too many rules, formulas and scenarios.

  3. Is it possible that things are done using complicated method in Singapore intentionally? Reason being if they can't convince you then they will try to confuse you. One such example is the distance base transportation fare calculation.

    They need to justify their out of this world salary you know? Otherwise anybody could replace them easily.

  4. Is this what you're looking for:

  5. Folks,

    You may want to consider using the online CPF Contribution Calculator at

    It is not difficult to use, and there is less chance of errors.

  6. Of course, when it use to be the same # for both NRIC & the Passport, it has to be different now. Oh yes, to beat the counterfeit and Terrorists & money-launderers.....
    By the way, ever been told why the Blood Group information is no longer needed in the NRIC ?
    I suspect some other reasons other than it is "anyway necessary to blood-type before transfusion."..

    Back to the new Passport: Ever wonder why they insist on color IC photo but you cannot tell from the passport photo the color of your eye-iris ! Is our allies able to access the data-base back at ICA ?

  7. They can't CONvince you, so they CONfuse you.
