Thursday, January 20, 2011

Remembering Dr. Goh Keng Swee

Dr. Goh Keng Swee was the deputy Prime Minister in the 1970s. He was the person responsible for building up the economic and social foundation that contributed to the success and vibrancy of Singapore today.

I know Dr. Goh personally and wish to point out his great qualities:

  • He is frugal and does not waste money
  • He uses his common sense and do not rely on advice of consultants and bankers
The bankers wanted Singapore to open up its economy and internationalize the Singapore dollar. Dr. Goh knew the risk of allowing these bankers to have their way. They could play the currency and destroy an economy. Dr. Goh would also not spend tens of millions of dollars in paying consultants to advice on decisions that can be made by common sense. He is frugal anyway.

It is quite sad that many or our leaders today are willing to pay a lot of money in engaging consultants or paying for expensive infrastructure, so that they do not have to decide and take responsibility for their decision. The big expenses, whether by the state or the commercial enterprises, must surely be reflected in the higher prices that are paid by consumers, adding to the huge increase in the cost of living. I wish that Dr. Goh is still around to stop these wasteful expenditures.

Tan Kin Lian


  1. Dr Goh is Singapore's "true economic architect".
    Very easy to have grandoise ideas and concepts, it takes a visionary like Goh to execute them out.
    He was the one who planted the trees, so that the younger generation, and that includes the present Cabinet, are enjoying the shade. Everybody must remember that.
    May God bless his selfless soul.

  2. This is precisely why every 'golden ages' ends off a cliff with complacent,ignorant and corrupted officials replacing the pragmatic and hardworking founding fathers. This is why wealth does not pass through three generations and we are finishing our third generations and will begin the slide.

  3. Not only that the end-user has to pay a hefty price-tag, the consultants are sometimes their relatives or friends. But Govt gets to charge more on 7% GST at the expense of the unemployed and retirees.

  4. The hard truth is this :

    Leaders like Goh Keng Swee, Hon Sui Sen, et al, will always be remembered, loved and cherished by us citizens as people who truly sacrificed in the service to the nation. Singapore & Singaporeans were the better because of them.

    The others - pompous, put on a high pedestal by sycophants and the mass media, self-proclaimed "We are the best of the best", paid in the millions and yet has no sense of accountability - now, how does one describe them? Since to them, everything is about money, maybe we use an accounting term - liabilities.

  5. Dr Goh is Singapore's "true economic architect".

    What does this make out of the other one ? A dud ?

  6. Does any one remember Dr Albert Winsemius? He is the true brains behind Singapore's economic transformation from entrepot port city to an industrial powerhouse. We do have to credit Dr Goh for being receptive to the blueprint presented by Dr Winsemius under a United Nations aid programme.

  7. " Since to them, everything is about money, maybe we use an accounting term - liabilities. "
    -an appropriate description indeed.I like this.:)

    And like most all well to do they become arrogant and think they are god or god-sent to Singaporeans!

    They deserve a drubbing-floored- to remind them that they are serving the citizens and without the latter, they are merely heads WITHOUT a body.
