Saturday, January 01, 2011

Welcome to the New Singapore

Read this article 

You can also find interesting articles on social and political issues in SGEP.
Keep reading SGEP to decide on how to vote at the next general election.


  1. When you suppress people for a long period of time, the simmering emotion would one day explode like a volcano, and would turn into a revolution. People display revolt by doing exactly what is being suppressed. The same with political suppression, and same with Human Rights Violation. It is a matter of time.

  2. Stress is one of the weapons used by authoritarian regimes to wear down resistance. Prisoners are routinely subjected to stress in varying degrees depending on the value of the confessions to be extracted, and whole populations can be put under pressure to toe the official line, for example under the Japanese occupation, through withholding of food ration coupons or fear of torture and beheading. In developed economies, having a mortgage is one of the primary determinants of our daily behavior. People with a lifetime debt avoid rocking the boat by keeping a low profile, or working to maintain the status quo. In such situations, some people can become unhinged and do silly things.

    According to my over-simplified interpretation of Freudian theory, our sexual desires are repressed to conform to societal norms, but occasionally rear its ugly head when an individual loses control, e.g. when under emotional strain, and manifest itself through deviant sexual behavior. Whether casualties of living in a our pressure-cooker environment or sufferers of some psychological malady, these people need our sympathies not condemnation, for they really know not what they do.
