Wednesday, January 19, 2011

What's so free about Singapore?

SGEP had an interesting editorial, entitled "What's so free about Singapore anyway?" The editor talked about several restrictions faced by people in Singapore in their daily lives. I want to give a different meaning to the word "free". In fact, there are so few free things in Singapore that we have to pay for many things .... Remember the phrase, "nothing is for free!".


  1. As I see it, being so free in Singapore refers to freedom given to foreigners and foreign companies
    to make money and conduct business freely at the expense of local citizens, sacrificing us to increase GDP growth to reflect a good report card, so that the elites and its associates could make more money, to entrench themselves firmly.

  2. Singapore government policies seem to be, Singapore citizens and Singapore enterprises, you're trapped here anyway, can milk you to the fullest. Foreign immigrants and enterprises, have to give incentives for them to come here. The objective is obviously GDP, not well-being of citizens.
