Saturday, January 08, 2011

World Richest Governments

Singapore government is the 11th richest n the world. It is richer than many countries with larger populations.


  1. How nice if our government leaders can treat us/all ordinary Singaporeans as their equal partners, so on average, we are the 11th richest people in the world too.

  2. Hi Michael 13
    If you calculate the Government's wealth and divide by the population, the per captial wealth of the SG government is probably among the highest in the world. However, someone observed that the Sg government is rich but the people are poor.

  3. Hi Mr. Tan,

    Yes. SG government is rich but the people are poor.

    Firstly, because the ordinary Singaporeans are yet to be treated by their government as their equal partners.

    Secondly, besides tax revenue, our government has been involved in business through many GLCs(government-link companies) which they are not supposed to but done for the past few decades. The economic's growth engines must be propelled by the private sectors. Level playing field is one of the main complaints by many local SMEs. The only areas that can be fully justified for the government to get involved which are in DEFENCE and EDUCATION related industries.

  4. Yes, only the Govt is rich, the citizens are'nt, yet they continue to squeeze us dry with the ever-increasung costs of living, while they pay themselves the highest pay in the world, which is at odds with their performance assessment,
    which falls short of world standard.

  5. I think the measure by which our govt was ranked 11th richest does not even include GLCs.

    If GLCs are included I wont be surprised if we become no. 1, just like our ministerial salaries.

  6. if the govt can stop paying themselves those crazy salaries, it can be richer and maybe make its citizens richer too!
