Saturday, February 26, 2011

Excessive behavior and profit

Does this comment also apply to Singapore?

To the Editor (NYT):
Bob Herbert’s Feb. 22 column, “At Grave Risk,” was the most insightful and courageous article I have read in a long while.
I, too, am one of the millions who have suffered in this continuous economic downturn. I have gotten myself and my family back on solid ground in spite of the predatory, unscrupulous dealings of banks, mortgage companies, the government and every other concern that is interested only in its own excessive behavior and profit.
There is no American dream. We are just a country of pawns who are at the mercy of a ruling elite. If things don’t change quickly, America will become no better than a third-world country.
Rich Becker
East Brunswick, N.J., Feb. 23, 201

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