Saturday, February 05, 2011

Family Life Game #184

In game #184, I competed with Jason. His avatar got a child at age 32 and shot ahead of me in the success score. My avatar is trying to get a child soon, to catch up. (Family Life)


  1. Jason's avatar got his second child at age 34, so he is now way ahead of my avatar in the success score.

  2. Jsson's avatar got the third child at 30. His earning is also higher than my avatar, who still have no children at 38. So, there is no way to catch up. I will try to get my avatar to beat the average for the 200 avatars. Right now, he is below average in ranking of the success score.

  3. Jason's avatar has a success score of 900 (my avatar score is 400). His avatar has the chance to reach the top 5 position. 5th ranking has a score of 950. With his higher earning, Jason should catch up with the 5th ranking soon. Wish good luck to Jason.

  4. Age age 46, Jason's avatar now ranked 4th. My avatar ranked higher than 100 (midway).

  5. At age 48, Jason's avatar now ranked 2nd (of 200 avatars). He should reach the top position soon - if he does not make any mistake. Congrats to Jason.

  6. At age 49, my avatar finally got a promotion - after many years. The avatar managed to cross the midpoint, i.e. rank about 100. Jason's avatar had reached the top position now.

  7. I found that Jason reached the top position because something happened to the previous leading avatar (who had 6 children). He probably got divorced, or might have died! He disappeared from the top 5 rankings.
