Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Highway construction and corruption

Hi Mr. Tan
I saw your story about highway construction and the European and African country. Are you suggesting that the corruption also exist in Singapore?

Highway construction involves large sums of money. It is important for the government to ensure that the money is well spent and does not leak out in one form of corruption or another. Many countries found it difficult to prevent corruption, as it can take many forms - not just direct payment of bribes but various types of favors and benefit in kind. It is important to be vigilant. More importantly, we should not spend money wastefully and needlessly.

1 comment:

  1. Any businessman in Singapore would come across corruption in some form or other, although mostly in a subtle form, and if there are whistle-blowers, then these would be exposed in the open e.g.the SLA case the most prominent lately.
