Thursday, February 03, 2011

Inequalities in Singapore

Hi Mr. Tan
I am becoming concerned about the issues of inequality in Singapore (e.g. widening income gap, bad vs good parenting, greater sense of selfishness amongst Singaporeans, etc.).

The many issues of inequality are due to our pursuit of economic growth and treading the lines of political correctness. In this respect, we are acting with an Asian value of 'we' as opposed to a sense of 'I' like in the West. But with each person so caught up with the overwhelming concern of survival, there is a sub-culture of individualism.

How can we possibly achieve a sense of belonging and maintain our nationhood when the working class man feels under siege by society and government? Are we wasting our money on National Education in schools when the roots of our nationhood are rotting away as we pursue political correctness and try to get into the upper strata of society, always overworking, always stressed.

I hope you and your readers can comment on this.
Spa Victim

I share you concern and has expressed it in my blog on many occasions. I will post your views in my blog for other readers to comment.

1 comment:

  1. 天 下 乌 鸦 一 班 黑。


    吃 不 饱 饿 不 死。

    That's the way it goes.
    This is the hard truth of this world.
    If we can, we should try make it better in whatever ways we are capable; we are able to.
