Saturday, February 26, 2011

Expensive medical bill

Many people are worried that they have to incur big medical expenses, especially when they grow old. They are afraid that their savings will not be enough to pay the medical bills.

Here are some points for you to consider:
  • No matter how much money you have, it will not be enough for your medical bills. Remember, a wealthy family spent $26 million for cancer treatment. It did not help - the patient died.
  • You only need $30,000 for your medical bill after retirement, provided that you are willing to be treated in a subsidized ward and you have Medishield. This is sufficient for Medishield and the co-payments.
  • You should not waste you money on expensive treatment that is likely to be unsuccessful. You have to let nature take its course.
  • If you are very rich, it is all right to spend a lot of money on medical bills. If you are not very rich, there is no need to spend the money wastefully.
Tan Kin Lian

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