Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Poor customer service from Singtel

I sent this e-mail to Singtel 8 days ago. I did not receive any reply or acknowledgement or even a telephone call. This is  a deplorable standard of customer service that is typical of most big organizations in Singapore. These are organisations that pride themselves on excellence. What excellence, when they refused to give a reply to a customer?

According to CNA, Singtel wants to build a cloud computing business. Perhaps they should start by replying to e-mails promptly.


  1. Oh' that was so bad! I think they need to provide a better customer service for their clients. For me, Customer service is one of the most important aspects of any business. I believe that without customers to purchase the business's products and services, the company cash flow dries up faster than a rain shower in the desert. Thanks for sharing.

    Outsource Call Center

  2. that is not so bad. after 25 years of subscription and when Singnet hears of termination, 360 degrees about turn of customer service!!! even the manager behave such!!! never replying emails is another. dare not confirm discussion in email is another!!!!
