Sunday, February 20, 2011

Singapore - before and after 1985

Many Singaporeans of my generation were proud of Singapore prior to 1985. We had an excellent economic and social environment - affordable and good quality education, housing and health care and a low cost of living. People do not have to worry about unemployment. They work hard and could look forward to adequate CPF savings on retirement.

The Singapore system started to deteriorate after 1985. The first generation leader (except for LKY) stepped down from office and was replaced by a new generation of elite leaders. This was followed by the introduction of bad policies, such as the graduate mother policy, asset enhancement scheme, increase in health care and transport cost (COE, ERP, privatization of transport companies) and the GRC system of election.

We now have a Singapore that is convoluted and wasteful, with a high cost of living, a high GINI coefficient and the lowest birth rate in the world.

I hope that our leaders realize their mistake and take action to correct the shortcomings. If not, let the people tell them at the next general election.

Tan Kin Lian


  1. I share the same perceptions. Beside those areas mentioned by Mr Tan, I believe most of us are fed up with the almost 24-hrs Peak Hour traffic, that is tied to the lack of Traffic Rule/ General Law enforcement . Remenber the "Robo Cop" movies ? We are already out-sourcing much of the Mata-mata roles. Maybe we should also consider the elite Admin Service & All Ministerial roles as well .

  2. The asset enhancement scheme must be the worst of the lot -- for the people. It gets people stuck in the rat race. But it is a great scheme for the government as it ensures economic growth as the rats are kept in the race.
    The foreign talent scheme is the sequel to the asset enhancement scheme. You need fresh hungry rats to excite the tired rats.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Yes, its sure is a rat race!

    The pursuit of wealth... not influence or power.. but just pure wealth.

    Some hawkers selling simple noodles are earning 30-50K a month! with some having profit margins of 18 - 25k a month..

    Rats in a cage!.. all envious and chasing after condos and cars.. fueled by the foreigners ( high end ) who have expense accounts and benefits.. Rich tai tais from neighbouring regions with the blings exposed.. even a communist korean appeared!

    The low end foreigner rub salt into us by being able to enter the Casinos and you the son of the soil cannot!! ha! ha!..

    The fabric that Government people talk about is unravelling right under their noses.. yet, the chase goes on ... and ..on

    So, the tired rats need some protein and magic bullets.. lets innoculate them with booster shots of "rebates".. "cash top-ups".. etc.. to ensure the experiement is not terminated ( what is the objective is unclear )

    A social experiment to tease human nature, greed and to allow emergence of a super rat..

    Permission to continue the research and experiement?.. The aging directors ( above 50++) do not have the energy, the newer directors ( below 30 ) are busy with the race.. they just say "yes" and "tell me where to sign!"

    And dont forget... even after wining the race... you're still a rat!

  5. This period spanned from just before I graduated in 1987 (recall The Black Maonday soon after I joined the job market)till today.

    It hits the baby boomers borned in the late 50s and early 60s badly, one policy after another.

    Just visited this page in by OCBC - link :-

    On " 3: How would the recent CPF revisions (August 2003) affect my retirement planning? "

    It showed how badly the middle income earners were hit by CPF policy changes since 2003; in respect of retirment planning needs.

    Not forgetting income stagnation. See how "meagre" PAP is "Paying and Paying" back now through Budget 2010 & 2011 and more years to come while claiming credits for thie "hardwork" and not the people's sacrifices.

    Not forgetting those borned from 1961 onwards would reach age 50 very soon and CPF would be automatically cut...while PAP is trying "show" they pay bit by bit in an Election Year ... LOL...for the loss in retirment funds due to the CPF cuts and income ceiling cap "loss" in retirment funds from 2003. For this group they will not even benefit tomorrow for past years' sacrifices.

    Can OCBC be wrong?

    Mr Tan, you care to comment?

  6. Mr Tan, you are really spot on with your observations.

    I belong to the Gen-Y and I don't foresee bleak future for most of us when we grow old.
