Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Traffic Congestion

We are paying high cost (ERP and COE) and getting slow moving traffic. It is the worst of both worlds. Read this article.

1 comment:

  1. Mr Tan, you pointed out 1) Inconsiderate drivers involved in accidents, 2) lack of Traffic Police, 3)Road works at Peak hours.

    I agree. In fact if we to figure out why drivers are getting arguing, it is because there are no Traffic Police on hand ! Am sure with all the cameras, Somebody can see all the want. As for the Road Works, I have stopped calling LTA. LTA always push the responsibilty to the "contractors". Full stop. I do not believe the contractors are 100% ro be blamed. They were no supervision by the "Authority". Then again, which "authority" ? LTA or the Traffic Police/SPF ? The PMO need to step in to draw the lines. There are too many issues in Singapore nowadays where no one "owns" the issues.
    I always joke that it should be the Ministry of Education/Finance... One can always draw the dotted lines. But seiously, I do expect the PM to be the one who would say " The buck stops here !" if his ministers can just look around for a sucker.
