Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Elderly patient with cancer

Here is a story about the dilemma faced by a family in treating an elderly mother for cancer. See Ask Mr. Tan or click here.


  1. It is very difficult for family members to decide when to stop all medications and life support systems and let the patient leave peacefully. Some courageous doctors might hint the patient's family that it is time to give up.

    The problem is the patient's family would rather suffer heavy financial burden and hardship to take care of the patient until the last minute than living in regret for not doing enough.

    I guess that is the beauty and tragedy of human race.

  2. Many times a dying patient would suddenly become conscious and well again, so there is fear that doctors are under stress, out of trying to save costs, and declare patients brain-dead or beyond
    saving, without doing their utmost
    best to save lives.
    This fear is not without logic, as transplant organs are scarce, so we visualize doctors are all ready to pounce on any chance for harvest as regards to the Organ Transplant Act.
    Maybe we are getting older and paranoid.

  3. The tragedy is not jus worry of inancial cost. It is also the long frustrating wait to get subsidised treatment even if u have a serious illness such as cancer. You can only get to see a hospital specialist by referral from polyclinic and that would be months later. And even after this long waiting, u might still not get treated yet if some scan or tests have to be carried out on u first and they tell u u cant get the tests done on that day but u have to come back on different days for each of these tests. Then after u come back for all these tests, they tell u that u have to come back again for the doctor to tell u the test results and advise u further. If after this, your illness has not gotten worse, then u r lucky. If not, u dont know whether to cry or laugh when u hear the doctor got the cheek to ask u why didnt u come to seek treatment early as he proceeds to tell u the bad news of your tests results. People generally does not realise this is happening until they themselves or know of people who have gone thro it. Btw, the govt hospital is making patients pay more than is necessary by their practice of stretching their treatment into as many visits as possible as patients have to pay hospital admin charge for every visit each time. Very worrisome to know our govt hospital is more interested in making more money than welfare of patient.
