Sunday, March 27, 2011

Hong Kong banks buy back Lehman Minibonds

Investors are likely to get back up to 96.5% of the initial investments. This settlement is much more generous than the payout to investors by Singapore banks.

HK banks unveil final resolution on Lehman minibonds
Hong Kong's Association of Banks announced Sunday
the 16 Hong Kong distributing banks of the so-called "minibonds" issued by Lehman Brothers
agreed on a final resolution to buy back the products.
HK banks agree on resolution for Lehman minibonds
Sixteen Hong Kong banks have agreed on a deal
to enable investors in structured products of the now bankrupt Lehman Brothers
recover a majority of their investments.

1 comment:

  1. Always encouraged investors to buy their insurance and bank products in Hongkong, Singapore is still the cowboy, wild wild east city.
