Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Is MM Lee facing pressure within the PAP?

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  1. With due respect to our elderly MM Lee, he is indeed a liability to the PAP, also to both within and outside Singapore.
    He at least have to learn the meaning of Kou De, you can't just blurt out whatever you like. We do not live like hermits in the wild, we live in a society of people.

  2. What he said is debatable. Because it is near election the party cannot afford a divisive issue to screw up the votes. The logical thing to do is to 'repair' the 'damage' by compromising his stand on his observations with a "I stand corrected".MM is not a stupid man . He is well read and unfortunately the launch of his book was untimely. I beleive at other times he would not yield to the pressure.

  3. No need for LKY to apologize. If he did, then there is no freedom to speak out in Singapore.
    He has the basic human rights to voice his views. And no one here should have the right to take away that right from him, or from any Singapore citizen.
    He may be right, or he may be wrong. So what? It is for you as an intelligent and educated citizen to judge for yourselves. Do not be biased just because you dislike the man. A fact is a fact. Truth from the man is what we would appreciate.
    Personally, I see some degree of validity in his statements. Although this validity may not hold with each younger generation. So let's move on from here.
