Sunday, March 20, 2011

Opposition Newbies

Dear Mr. Tan,
The Sunday Times introduced the opposition candidates as "newbies". I wonder if they will use the same term to describe the new PAP candidates? If not, there is a subtle attempt to disparage the opposition candidates - which is sad for a mainstream media - even one that is closely linked to the ruling party.



  2. Imagine the outgoing Chief of Army joining the PAP as a newbie. That will be laugh. This is simply a sad state of affairs in Singapore reflecting the contempt that the PAP and its associated machinery have for their political opponents and anyone else who are not with the PAP.

    I have respect for opposition "newbies" who come forth on their own volition and conviction, and not those PAP elites who have to be invited repeatedly to tea sessions and asked to "sacrifice" despite seeing multi-fold jumps in their salary.

  3. Would like the contributer of this article to know we are similarly showing contempt for the new faces put up by the PAP. These greenhorns
    just cling on the coattails of the GRC's Minister, what do they know about politics. So it makes no difference which candidate to elect.

  4. Rex comments as follows,

    Straits Times today 22/3/2011 unashamedly published huge caption "Man with a long-term View" in describing the Pap new candidate.
    Like the original comment on this thread, ALL these fellas are NEWBIES. It is ridiculous that a PAP candidate is declared "man with a long-term view", but an oppostion candidate, is just a newbie.
    I pui, pui, pui.

