Monday, March 28, 2011

PM Lee - Think of the future

A worried citizen reply to PM Lee about his call to think of the future, in voting at the next general election.
Read here.


  1. Mr Tan, this letter is well written. Questions asked are the common concerns of all Singaporean parents. Did you send a copy to PMO?

  2. Dear PM Lee
    Singaporeans have been thinking very hard about their future over these last few years.

    We can see this thinking in the form of blogging and comments in the internet space.

    Rest assured, our votes will be carefully calibrated and very well thought through.

  3. While forcing talented Singaporeans to study medicine abroad, we have been accepting and sponsoring foreigner students to study medical courses in Singapore.

    Ignoring (we should have planned early) the ageing issues in Singapore, we are forced to take in foreign medical personnel (doctors and nurses) including those from developing countries.

    Worst still, we are being forced to invest more in infrastrucure building program to cater to higher migrant numbers.....and it is very wrong to chase higher GDP by the government.

    We need changes, and we need a more balanced system in Singapore.

  4. Bingo. The fact that we have to think seriously about the future, that we are in a dilemma now, do we need a change for the coming GE,
    give the yet to be tested opposition a chance, or stick with the same ruling Party, with its suffocating pay and pay policies, local last foreigner first priority
    policies, irresponsible and incompetent state investors, incompetent non accountable civil
    servants, frequent citizen bashing to cover its own weaknesses, continued astromically high pay for civil servants who screw up their work. As the months go by, these ills seem to go on and on, and at the same time, we are bombarded with TV images of unrest in the Middle east to bring down dictators.
    Yes, this time we are really in a dilemma, previous times we face no problems, this time we are losing confidence, and getting weary of the same thing.

  5. Kin Lian, how come you have not appeared as one of the opposition candidate?

    Don't tell me PAP is slating you as their surprise candidate?

  6. Woh, that was sure a Great Letter for our PM to ponder !
    For someone who professed to be supportive of the PAP all along, the reality is now sinking in.

  7. It is sad that many qualified, sincere, honest, caring and capable people are not participating in the coming GE.

    Examples of high-calibre candidates include ex-NMPs (except for Steve Chia who will be contesting), leaders and ex-leaders of NGOs, ex-leaders of prominent govt and quasi-govt bodies etc. These people should consider standing on an opposition ticket, or as an independent. They have a wealth of experience and social exposure, and would do well in contributing to the improvement of lives of the ordinary citizen.

    This is possibly the last chance to make an impact, and to help steer spore in the right direction. Come 2016, it may be too late.

  8. Why people are so eager to join PAP as their candidates for the GE?


    1. Chance of being elected is more than 90%. Opposition chance of winning is less than 10%.
    2. Attractive MP allowance plus salary from current job.
    3. As an PAP MP, current job would be very secure. Who dares to sack a PAP MP?
    4. Opportunity to become cabinet minister and earned millions a year. That will be a few thousand percent jump compared to current salary.By now many PAP Ministers are millionaires. Opposition MP earned only the MP allowance.
    5. Alway protected by God the father, God the Son and God the Holy Goh.

  9. That what I called I "invested" in.......then after 5 yr .. millionair....retire.
