Sunday, March 27, 2011

A presentation on cholesterol

This is a good presentation about cholesterol for the layman


  1. REX comments as follows (re-sent)

    MR Tan, i do not know if you are aware, there is another school of thought which believes that Cholesterol is merely a body response to the major culprit of health called INFLAMMATION. Cholesterol as also explained in the video in your URL, is mostly (70%) produced by your own body to counter inflammation which is mostly caused by excess consumption of high GI carbohydrates. Therefore, no amount of reduction in diet is gonna make difference to a person's chol count.

    Please visit this site and also website and numerous other websites.

    My own xperience: when i found out tht i had :high: chol, i started to swim 1,000m twice a week for 3 months, ate less meat, no egg yolks, more brown bread, and cornflakes and low fat milk. YET MY CHOL increased 10% after 3 months.

    Looking at the excellent videos in the URL you give, i can only say that the time effort and money spent on it is basically to emphasis the message in the last video: take your drugs daily to keep healthy.

    IT is because by doing diets and exercise (As i have) is not going to improve your chol counts, therefore most people resignly take the doctors "good advice" and start a lifetime regim on statins. THIS IS BUSINESS FOR DRUG COMPANIES TO SPREAD THE CHOLESTEROL MYTH. Please take note that even US FDA do not interfere, and of course singapore govt too. In my opinion, a lot, a lot of people are decieved they think that it is a goal to lower cholesterol levels and therefore since their diet control not working, therefore they must take drugs like statins and liptor.

    Remember alwyas, your body makes 70% of the total chol partly to counter inflammation caused by glucose conversion of excess carbohydrates (high glycemic indes carbos).

    To sum it all, a famous doctor described the great cholesterol myth as follows:
    In a fire, you see a lot of firemen. A young child mistakenly thinks "firemen are bad... everytime i see firemen, there is problem". Moral of the story: you have to find out what is the cause of the fire and stop blaming firemen. The cause of the problem is inflammation. There are tons and tons of discussions on internet forums on this truth.


  2. Thanks. Hope to see more health tips in this Blog. Health is wealth!

  3. Health tip: medi
