Monday, March 14, 2011

Robert Kuok's personal thoughts on wealth and capitalism

Robert Kuok is SE Asia's richest person. He shares his views on wealth and capitalism. Some of his thoughts have relevance to the current situation in Singapore (my interpretation, not his). See TKL website or click here.

When I hire staff I look for honest, hardworking, intelligent people. When I look candidates in the eye, they must appear very honest to me. I do not look for MBAs or exceptional students. You may hire a brilliant man, summa cum laude, first-class honours, but if his mind is not a fair one or if he has a warped attitude in life, does brilliance really matter?

I have learnt that the success of a company must depend on the unity of all its employees. We are all in the same boat rowing against the current and tide and every able person must pull the oars to move the boat forward. Also, we must relentlessly endeavour to maintain and practise the values of integrity and honesty, and eschew and reject greed and arrogance.

In capitalism, man needs elements of ambition and greed to drive him. But where does ambition end and greed take over? That's why I say that capitalism, if left to its own devices, will snowball along, roll down the hill and cause a lot of damage. So a sound capitalist system
requires very strongly led, enlightened, wise governments. That means politician-statesmen willing to sacrifice their lives for the sake of their people. I don't mean politicians who are there for fame, glory and to line their pockets.

Wealth should be used for two main purposes. One: for the generation of greater wealth; in other words, you continue to invest, creating prosperity and jobs in the country. Two: part of your wealth should be applied to the betterment of mankind, either by acts of pure philanthropy or by investment in research and development along the frontiers of science, space, health care and so forth.


  1. We have never hear of our highly paid leaders donate some of their money to charity, in garnering donations for a cause on TV shows, it is always the individual or private Companies. Their own pockets are tightly closed, maybe some donations by our PM for a cultural organisation.
    Maybe some authographed books on the MM, but the money do not come from his own pocket. Maybe some legal compensations, won in defamation cases, but all these moneys are from the people, never from the leaders' pockets.
    By the way, aren't there too many books on our MM Lee. Valuable things come in restricted numbers, too many may diminish its value and interest. It is as if SPH journalists have nothing to write on, and must keep repeating to justify their existence.

  2. Robert's way of hiring staff is more relevant now, hire a wolf in sheep's clothing with high acedemic credentials, and the employer risk having his Company's money siphoned off in elaborately
    planned schemes to gamble in the two casinos, a convenoent scapegoat for frauders. The most dangerous people are those closest to him, his secretary or his finance manager. So look beyond looks, academic and work qualifications, and check his background and character.

  3. Contrast the description of the type of staff Robert Kuok hires versus those the PAP recruits. Contrasts Robert Kuok's understanding of wealth generation versus that of the PAP. We do not feel that we have a stake in this country or its reserves. Heck we do even feel that our CPF savings belong to us.
