Wednesday, March 16, 2011

SM Goh to S'poreans: Learn from Japan disaster

Dear Mr. Tan,
I posted an article in my Blog and in SGEP.
A response to "SM Goh to S'poreans: Learn from Japan disaster".
Will we stay a "kintaro-ame" nation, SM Goh?
[De Leviathan @ Sg]

De Leviathan


  1. Would like to remind Singaporeans,
    SM Goh found fault with citizens, when he was PM in a National Day speech, that those people who immigrated to other countries were Quitters, while at the same time his own daughter quitted Singapore to marry an Englishman and settled down in London.
    So can't blame us for quitting and immigrating, we just follow his example.

  2. A child's behaviour is the result of his parents teachings.

    A nation's behaviour is the result of the leader's teachings.

    I am responsible for my children's behaviour.

    The govt is responsible for the people's behaviour.

    If I want to teach my children about honesty, I first must be honest.

    A good general eats with his men, fights with his men and dies with his men.

    Respect must be earn, no two ways about it.

  3. Yes, please learn from the Japanese Nuclear Disaster.

    Say NO to a nuclear plant in Singapore.

    If we can't even keep the Kiddie Games (I mean YOG) within budget, what makes you think our high priced local Elites can manage a nuclear plant?

    Fukushima's evacuation zone is a 20 kilometer radius occupying an area of: 3.142x20x20 = 1,

    This far exceeds Singapore's total land area of 712 sq km.

  4. Too many top ranking people are just taking a hands off approach in singapore.

    If you talk to a principal in any school, you will see that the principal does not bother about the nitty gritty things at the ground level.

    too many civil servants higher up are bo-chap.

    a security guard can be crushed to death by a metal gate at NEL train depot.

    What action have they taken to prevent the graffiti incident of the trains to happen again?

    How can a metal gate crush a security guard like that?

    Shouldnt the transport minister be responsible?
