Tuesday, March 08, 2011

TKL Blog posting to Facebook

I need help from an expert in Facebook. In my blog, I add a "Like" feature. A user who click on the the "Like" button will have an automatic posting into his or her Facebook with the information shown on here. At present, the posting shows the message from my blog introduction, i.e. "I retired from NTUC Income .....". How do I change this posting to show the actual content of the blog, rather than the introduction? Send your answer to kinlian@gmail.com or post here in this comment..


  1. to show the actual content, u will need to include a meta description tag in the respective page with square brackets. for example.

    META NAME="Description" CONTENT="Input the actual content over here."

  2. Dear Kent Tan,
    My colleague needs your help to implement this suggestion. Can you send an email to me at kinlian@gmail.com?
