Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Top 10 jobs in the US

The pay of the top 10 jobs in the US is a faction of the pay of the top government jobs in Singapore.
See SGEP or click here.


  1. It's sad, isn't it, that our leaders - self-proclaimed as best of the best, the creme de la creme - paid with such vulgar salaries and equally obscene bonuses, somehow see it fit that when there's a problem or crisis, to quickly lay the blame on us and they shirk the responsibility. When our economy tanked during the 2007/2008 financial crisis, all of them were putting the blame on external factors such as the US property market, high oil prices. Now when the GDP registered 14.6%, suddenly all of them are to be rewarded with up to 8 months bonus - it's like they are telling us "we make it possible, you know." Really, a bunch of overpaid fat cats.

  2. this is just the basic pay right? what about other benefits or compensations that are not made known to the public? shouldn't it be made known to the public since they are paying for them? sigh...

  3. it is distressing for us to read internet news that our Sovereign Fund Temasek got into trouble again over their investment in a Panama Mine in Central America, with the prospect of losing another S$500m.
    What are we paying top world salaries for gundu administers of our tax money for. Also when would Temasek stop losing our money. These people are already jinxes.
