Sunday, April 24, 2011

Buying votes

I overheard a conversation at the coffee shop between a middle age man and a Malay stall holder. The man said " I will vote for the PAP because they gave me $800. If they did not give me the money, I will not vote for them:". He lived in a 3 room flat. The stall holder said that her mother stayed in 1 room HDB flat and received $1,000.  It seems to be buying votes - a bad reason for the political development of a country. What a questionable leadership and its bad influence on the people.


  1. The PAP have mastered the art of "vote-buying' and bribery by legal means.
    What is the difference between paying themselves sky high salaries/bonuses with less than noble KPI/ justifications, when other politicians elsewhere are getting their 10% ?
    I offer 1 difference at least. The PAP office holders pay taxes, or do they ? At least the top Civil Servants do.

  2. We are still a third world country, other third world countries buy votes secretly, here in Singapore they do it legitimately, disguised as sharing economic benefits among the citizens. Sama sama, isn't it?
    And always before the GE.

  3. Unfortunately there are no shortage of such short sighted,ignorant and selfish people around. My neighbourhood has a group of retirees who practice taiji every morning in the park. They are strong supporters of the PAP as PAP gives them money during every election time. Take the $ spend first,vote PAP and deal with it later is their motto. Nevermind that their action may hurt their own life and their future generation life.

  4. I heard something similar the other day, this guy was talking to his friend and he said something like: "Wah, you take their $ and you dun wanna vote for them?"

    Was so disgusted when I heard that... sigh...
