Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Critical illness coverage

Dear Mr. Tan,
I am a 45 year old housewife. I'm covered by Eldershield and Incomeshield Plus Advantage. I am thinking of taking up some insurance plans for critical illness. I do not ahve any pre-existing illness. What do you recommend?

Read this FAQ
You can also consult vincent sear here


  1. Buy a term to get decent coverage...maybe $150K sum assured since you don't have an income.
    And for your money sake don't buy a whole life or limited payment is scam

  2. Zhummmeng is always given to using undiplomatic strong words but well, I generally agree. ;)

  3. ILP: The only good is it is so call double protection that is cheaper compare to normal policy. disadv due to the Assurance Charges for Death, TPD, TI and Crisis Cover Provider III which is increasing and when till over 60, your monthly premium that you pay might not able to cover the Assurance Charges and it will eat into your cash value. am i right?

    Buy why limited payment wholelife is not good?
