Friday, April 29, 2011

Desperate appeal of the Minister Mentor


  1. This election is not about track records. What opposition track record when they are hobbled by gerrymandering and the GRC concept, until now?

    This election is about an idea whose time has come. It is about taking control of your future. If you don’t someone will control it for you.

    So take control. Vote opposition.

  2. Sad to see my respected MM Lee, whom I cried along with him some 45 years ago, when he announced Singapore being booted out of Malaysia, could stoop so low, just to support his son, whose leadership brought untold miseries to Singapore. And yet the old man is still in denial mode out of a father's blind love, and obsessive power craze.

  3. @yujuan:

    I too hero-worshipped LKY in my youth. By the 1980s I became disillusioned and began to wonder whether we were living the Orwellian “Animal Farm” or “1984”.

    Take control. Vote opposition.
