Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Do I renew my maid's contract?

A  busy mother asked you to consider this question at the general election. Read this letter posted in SGEP.


  1. I love tha "letter". We all know who that maid of her is.
    Terminate that contract fast, I say.
    If there are still tinge of nostalgia, offer her a part-time contract !
    But start getting others from the other 'agencies". There are gems galore out there ! And they, strangely enough are willing to "work for you ".
    Understand the dateline for the contract renewal is 7th May.

  2. Dear Busy Mother
    Here is advice from other busy mothers advice throughout history;

    The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
    -- Frederick Douglass

    "Any time you give power to government, it will be abused, it will be enlarged, it will be used in ways you never intended."
    –Harry Browne on The Drudge Report 7-31-99

    "Man is not free unless government is limited."
    -- Ronald Reagan: Farewell Speech, 1988

    "The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men."
    -- Plato

    "A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government."
    -- Edward Abbey

    "As government grows, its increased power to grant favors or inflict pain attracts more people who would abuse the system."
    -- John Fund

    "As soon as people drop the reins on government, government will leash the people." -- James Bovard

    "Civilization does not have to perish. The brutes are winning only by default."
    -- Ayn Rand

    "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty."
    -- Wendell Phillips, (1811-1884),


  3. "As Govt grows, its increased power to grant favors or inflict pain attracts more people who would abuse the system."
    "A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his own Govt."

    So relevant to our own country, Singapore, especially at this GE.
    We look at the crystal ball, and dread to see the same style of governance for another five years,
    more vindictive measures unleashed upon the electorate in the form of relaxing the foreigner floodgate, another increase of GST to 10%, will happen when the gamble by the opposition Parties come to zero, and we have no more opposition in Parliament, leaving the field for the incumbent Party to run wild like lunatics.
