Sunday, April 17, 2011

Film - Inside Job

Dear Mr. Tan,
I just finished watching an award winning documentary called Inside Job by Charles Ferguson. It shows how Wall Street cheated the ordinary investors. I highly recommend it to you and your readers. You can find the trailer at

1 comment:

  1. Agree, and it is a penetrating documentary, not a “work of fiction based on a true story”. With Wall Street having taken control of the US government through lobbyists and campaign contributions, the perpetrators of the last financial crisis have got away virtually scot free. Meanwhile, private debt has become public debt with the massive government bailout, adding to the staggering national debt.

    This film holds hard lessons for Singapore in how we should regulate the large corporations, both foreign and local, such as banks, insurers and hospitals. Left unchecked, we should soon see our citizens picking up the tab for the excesses of a few gung-ho operators who are “too big to fail”.
