Monday, April 04, 2011

Financial Planning Test

Do this test on your understanding of Financial Planning. Go to Ask Mr. Tan or click here.

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1 comment:

  1. Visited the Active Aging Exhibition at Suntec and there were few insurance companies exhibitors like NTUC, Prudential, GE, Manulife, Philips Capital, etc. All except NTUC has no product posters.Their approach was need approach whereas NTUC peddled their product SAIL supposedly a retirement product.Once again you can see that ntuc is a product pushing company and the agents have no financial planning skill on retirement planning.
    Ask yourself, can the salesmen like ntuc agents plan your retirement? I found it interesting and amusing that the agent rattled off from the brochure the features of the products. He hardly or certainly not qualified to advise me on retirement.He might be a sales champion but he was a salesman and salesmen don't plan your future, they plan their own, the commission..
