Friday, April 01, 2011

Hassle to own a car

It is a hassle to won a car in Singapore - due to the regulations on vehicle inspection, insurance and payment of road tax. I found a way to minimise the hassle. Read TKL website or click here.


  1. Many people will be surprised that a smaller and leaner company can often provide better & more competitive service at lower prices. The govt should have consciously created an environment conducive to the development of SMEs back in the late 1980s. A healthy SME landscape with sufficient breadth and depth will be able to provide sustainable jobs and a more balanced economy. Unfortunately the govt remains addicted to manufacturing and export-oriented MNCs which are themselves addicted to cheaper & younger workers, driven by quarterly earnings and stock prices, and operate on a worldwide boom-and-bust cycles.

  2. Not only insurance renewal, but also road tax renewal can be done online. I did mine 6 mths ago.
