Thursday, April 21, 2011

Party political broadcast - 5 years back

Refreshing yoiur memory.

Perhaps it will be useful to go back 5 years ago to hear what was said in the battle 
to win the hearts and minds of Singaporeans before the elections by leaders of 4 
political parties, viz SDP, WP, SDA, & PAP. 

What will be the issues that will be brought up this time round?

Singapore Election 2006: Party Political Broadcast part 1 (Chee Siok Chin/ Sylvia Lim)

Singapore Election 2006: Party Political Broadcast Part 2 (Chiam See Tong)

Singapore Election 2006: Party Political Broadcast Part 3 (Lee Hsien Loong)


  1. Dear Mr K L Tan,
    I remember that a few years ago, you were on the verge of entering politics.
    It appears that this time the opposition parties are able to put up many credible and well-qualified people. I am puzzled as to why you have not thrown in your hat. Is it too late for you to contest the elections now? I would encourage you to do so as I think you are well-qualified.

  2. This election 2011 is very different from the last, no matter what was broadcasted in the past election is history already, does not apply to the new scenario anymore.
    The social and political landscape has changed tremendously, most of us were with the PAP, supporting them wholeheartedly, but the past few years, the Party has let us down flatly on its face, the screwups that happened they don't even bother to admit, the irresponsible and incompetent behaviour they pretend not to comprehend, the answers we seek they brushed off with asking questions back, all these smack of they are still living in the antiquated past, or some commentators say, they are in self denial mode, and they are still in holier than thou attitude, still think the society is in the sixties and seventies eras.
    The internet and the new media have revolutionalised everything,
    can't hide anything any more.

  3. Singapore is artificially too clinical, should be a bit messier now, don't wait until our MM is no longer around, when that time arrives, the suppressed volcano that
    explodes would be unimaginably chaotic. We tread to think of the consequences. Have it happen now when the Grand master is still around, he still and will forever command respect among us, and he would be able to steady the ship through the storm. As the Chinese saying goes, there is an end to every grand feast.
