Saturday, April 02, 2011

Ruin the lives of many

Has the policies in Singapore ruined the lives of many people? Read SGEP or click here.


  1. Hi Mr Tan,

    I am a great fan of your blog. I have learnt a lot from it.

    However, I just want to make a comment.

    I find that your posts are being extremely one sided. Yes, I agree with you that some of the government's policies need reviewing and tweaking.

    However, your articles of late only seem to pour scorn and hatred on the current administration - leading to a very blatant and obvious one sided view of the whole affair, attributing them with everything wrong under the sun.

    This certainly turns people like me off - people who genuinely want to see changes being made. I understand that we need to change the way things are run. However, I do not that the current approach you are taking - blasting the PAP for every wrong - is the right way to do it.


  2. Yes, ruin us but benefit them, that's what matters.

  3. Jun Hao
    I am posting letters sent to me by readers of my blogs. They want another channel to voice their views, to offset the one sided views in the main newspapers.

  4. Hello Jun Hao,

    I am the reader who posted the letter to Mr Tan Kin Lian's blog.

    I understand you feel the letter i wrote is one sided. Please know that it is me who wrote the letter and not Mr Tan Kin Lian.

    I respect Mr Tan for his efforts to build and sustain a spirit of community and nationhood in Singapore. I think much of this has been lost over the years (IMHO).

    So, please do not misunderstand Mr Tan. Thank you.

    All that i wrote are words from my heart. I have suffered and i am still fighting to survive in Singapore. The letter is important to me because i want change to the system. I have met the MPs of PAP and when i go, the volunteers treat me like a lesser being with dis-respect. The MPs have also given me no help when i have a problem.

    I am a fighter and not a quitter. I am taking the initiative to make changes by writing my thoughts because i want to be part of the solution not the problem. The problem of compounding the problem by asking people to shut up and choosing to be politically correct.

    Where has political correctness gotten Singapore society?

  5. I agree with Jun Hao.

    I, too think that the current government has done most things largely right. If not, we might be very worse off than now.

    Large improvements are needed in certain areas.

    I certainly think that the newly initiation that all new government leaders needs to serve a compulsary stint at grassroots is a very good move.

    I see Singapore as a large fleet ships and boats. We should not hinder the faster boats from travelling faster. However, as they move further than the rest (better developments and richer), they should, once in a while, do a u-turn to nudge the slower boats along.

    After all, no man is an island. It is the security of a nation that allows these high-achievers to maximise their capabilities.

    In turn, the slower boats should make efforts to keep up with the main ship and fleet.

    By and large, we should all move as one nation. Helping one another along.

  6. I have always said that to be a good leader, you need to have high level of competncy in both intellengence and heart to serve the people.

    I cannot imagine a leader to be incompetent in one of them.

    If we were to take up all or even most of the suggestions here, would Singapore be a better place?

  7. Dear Mr Tan,

    Thanks for telling me your rationale. I have certainly learnt a lot from the letters.

    Sometimes, I am just worried than Singapore becomes like the US - i.e. widely split between both parties with little middle ground to compromise.

    Thanks anyway.


    dear jun hao, cd-rom,

    please read the article above and suggest how you can improve the system.

    since you have faith in the government, i am sure they will help you implement measures to prevent people from failing their NIE practicum.

    If you think only about being legalistic in your approach, i.e. signed contract... nothing to do...then i would say you are not seeing the big picture.

    Look at the number of posts to the Yahoo Fit To Post about the overworked teachers: No respite for overworked teachers. Surely there is a big issue. It is a systemic problem and representative of the kind of culture in singapore that produces floods, lawsuits against the government, increasing number of people not marrying....

    IMHO, how the lives are ruined?

    1. housing not adequately addressed
    2. education not adequate. MOE says that there is 1 teacher to 25 students but in reality it is 1 teacher to 40+ students.
    3. healthcare too expensive
    4. transport - too crowded
    5. security - i think it is more than just security from external forces. we need TOTAL defence of having a happy nation. why are youths slashing up each other? where did the anger come from?
    6. Manpower - poorly paid workers is enough evidence
    7. trade and industry - pursuit of economic growth at cost of common people? then have symbolic upgrading courses, subsidies which no one knows how to sign up for? and need to spend loads of money advertising?
    8. foreign service - if you are overseas staying and working, you will never hear about a united community of singaporeans. UNLESS you are a successful businessman or a scholar.
    9. the list goes on.. no fire no smoke. Singaporeans are killing each other at work. cant you see? If we are really a nation and we could just be more caring and collaborative instead of insisting on right/wrong, black/white, we would go further as a nation.

  9. "..Sgrean are killing each other..." Look at vendalism :

    What is done by the authority?

  10. Dear Spavic,

    I read the article posted. I don't understand how the government is at fault here. I really empathize with her situation but one must realize too that the alternative, to let her pass, would be unfair too.

    You have to bear in mind thats its only a small minority to that this happens. Plus she had been given a second chance to take the examination. So I am really not to sure what more you think can be done.

    I really don't think relaxing the exam criteria is an option.

    Rather, if your talking about the situation that teachers now faced, than yes I agree. Their work life is extremely hectic, and my heart truly goes out to the teachers who are slogging their hearts out for us.

    But than again, I don't understand once again how this equates to " systemic problem and representative of the kind of culture in singapore that produces floods, lawsuits against the government, increasing number of people not marrying...."

    Rather, as a student who has just finished JC recently, it seems to me that its simply a case whereby there arent enough teachers to go around.

    Furthermore, with expectations increasing these days, teachers are expected to do much more than before. My only point would be to agree that there is a massive shortage at the moment and there needs to be a hiring spree (which there was) and a review of curriculum (which is also happening).

  11. Hi spavic,

    I agree with almost all the points that you listed out.

    You have summarised the problems the ruling party or the opp. party needs to raise up during parliament meetings very well.

    Solutions should be sought out for these challenges.

    Again, spavic. I have to say that I agree with you on those points.

  12. i think there are issues about other ministries as well:

    1. MCYS - wasting money on advertisements and campaigns about getting married, or tackling other social issues. but refuses to spend money on things that give immediate relief to people.
    2. Mindef - stupid advertisements
    3. IDA - wasting tax monies by actually doing nothing but having lots of paper talk no real work done projects and politiking inside the organisation.

    there should be greater transparency on the money that the government spends.
