Monday, April 18, 2011

Survey - Voting in general election 2011 - interim results

57 people participated in the survey during the past 12 hours. The breakdown of the participants are:
Below 30 -   10%
30 to 50 -     51%
Above 50 -   39%

1. How will you vote in the general election
For the PAP -  4%
Against PAP -  96%

2. If you are in living in Tanjong Pagar, will you vote for PAP and LKY?
For PAP - 6%
Against PAP - 94%

3, If you are living in Marine Parade GRC, will you vote for PAP and GCT?
For PAP -  8%
Against PAP - 92%

The dislike of the PAP is strong among the readers of my blog. The respect for LKY and GCT does not make any difference to the voting choices.

Tan Kin Lian


  1. The interim results shown a logical/natural progression - from 'Comfort Zone' to 'Danger Zone'.

  2. 71 replies have come in to the survey. The results are the same as reported earlier (for 51 replies).

  3. Survey results are just that - survey results. If they are representative of the entire electorate (and I say a big IF), then we can expect LKY and GCT to be booted out this time.

    Let's face it. Do we really believe that is going to happen? I doubt it. Survey results are not indicative of the final outcome owing to:-

    * Ppl may say something in a survey but may vote otherwise on Polling Day.
    * The internet reader group of voters is much smaller than the non-internet group.
    * PAP will throw in some wildcards at the last moment that will sway many voters towards them.

  4. Like sending in the army, we've already got two big shot recently retired army men as new candidates.
    People crazy for power would do equally crazy things, and become lunatics in the process.
