Saturday, April 09, 2011

Tsunami flatten town in minutes


  1. Have no intention to gloat over other people's misfortune here.
    So, no amount of high barrier walls along the coast, no amount of
    high technological advance of a country like Japan, no amount of high civil sacrifices exhibited by the japanese, could stop Almighty God from showing ITs power and wrath. Notice that these coastal towns are populated by the elderly,
    people who most probably engaged in WW2 activities. May be divine retribution, as the Governor of Tokyo said, only thing he still denied Japan was involved in the atrocities of the Nanking Massacre.
    To err is human, to forgive divine. Better for the Japanese to reflect on what they had done in WW2, God is very forgiving, and Japan may be spared, with only much lesser catastrophies in future, only when they sincerely repent.

  2. I wonder would this happen to our coastal areas; just like those people who resided there never thought such disaster would happen in their livetimes or in a long, long time.

    Truly, this is an awakening call to us who oftentimes think that we are situated in a geographical location that nothing as such could happen. What if it does happen one day? It is so frightening!
