Sunday, May 08, 2011

Aljunied - putting into perspective

A view from a reader:
The five who lost Aljunied GRC last night basically went through what thousands of Singaporeans have gone through, which is losing their jobs due to competition.


  1. I respectfully do not understand this outpouring of grief over losing George Yeo as MP.

    As I recall:
    George Yeo, Feb 1994 said:
    "Remember your place in society before you engage in political debate...

    Debate cannot generate into a free-for-all where no distinction is made between the senior and junior party...

    You must make distinctions -
    What is high, what is low, what is above, what is below,

    and then within this, we can have a debate, we can have a discussion...

    people should not take on those in authority as 'equals"

    Versus May 2011 (16 years later).

    George "your voice in government" Yeo:

    "My teammates and I will be your voice in government … we will listen."


    GE 2011 has shown above all else that talented Singaporeans come from all walks of life.

    Nicole Seah has been a revelation.

    Representing what youth should truly stand for:
    justice & equality

    Yes - a reminder that our National Pledge is a solemn promise and not just an aspiration

    In my mind, Nicole Seah gets my vote for the position of Minister of MCYS.

    Let's put the heart back into MCYS.

  2. A brother, a PAP voter in Aljunied
    in 2006, voted the opposition this year, just because of MM Lee's words
    "you would regret for the next five years", and the PAP's pamplet saying
    WP is against upgrading,which turned out to be a lie, these two put the nail into the coffin.
    He said, let the voters in this ward teach MM Lee to watch his tongue first, then they would think about his Party's tract record.

  3. Losing their jobs is no big deal.

    They still have money and there will be lots of MNC and companies more than happy to take them in if not for their networks etc. there are no closed doors for them.

    What they may find annoying is the lack of admin support and mobile outriders to clear the way as they wander round the island to cut ribbons and make statements that the citizenry are lazy and unappreciative of what has been done.

    I hope they enjoy the life of a private citizen and remain there.
