Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Improve transport in Singapore

Some suggestions for the new Transport Minister

A better transport system

Develop local transport


  1. Good Evening Mr Tam,

    Reference the suggestion to develop local transportation; shared taxis, etc., would it be correct to say that we should look at how HK had developed its transportation system?

    Thank you for the two articles.

    Warmest regards,

    Low Hou Loke

  2. Mr Tan,

    Reference the two well written transport articles, would the local transport system be something like the HK mini bus trips from major residential estates to different parts of the city?

    Thank you and warmest regards,

    David HL Low

  3. Dear David
    Many people have given feedback about the transport system in Hong Kong, which they find to be convenient and efficient.
    I hope that the new transport minister will take a look, or ask his officials to study the Hong Kong system.

  4. One important feature of both Hong Kong and Germany systems that they are NOT revenues generated unlike ours. In Germany, all highways are toll-free. Perhaps, our minister-in-charge Mr. Lui Tuck Yew can find out more from Chancellor Angela Merkel who will be in town for a 2-day visit (later today) on how do they run the German system? Perhaps and in addition, first is to learn to be more conscious by refraining from putting up too many unnecessary ERP gantries.

    Effectiveness is the key to solving all transportation problems. In places like Hong Kong or Germany, it's one of the main considerations before the implementation of any new transport policy. For that, I stand corrected!
